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#BookOpinion Eliza And Her Monsters by Fransesca Zappia

Lately, I haven't had more time to write here. But, I'm still active on my Instagram account @blogger.reads also @alenaslibrary . If you …

King's Effect For All His Almighty Horror Novels

For your information, eventho Stephen King is the best writer nowadays and his works already adapted into movies. You must know one thing, he has…

3 Things What I Love The Most From 'Amulet Of Samarkand' Novel

A couple days ago, I've finished reading The Amulet of Samarkand, a fantasy genre about magicians, traitors also demon. The main charater on…

I Do Love Gaiman's Books

Yes, I do love all Neil Gaiman's books, since the very first time I read his book : Stardust when I was in high school. I like how he made strong characters, great plot so I was enjoyed along …

Flame in the Mist : It's all about revenge

Flame in the Mist : It's all about revenge Title : Flame in the Mist Author : Renee Ahdieh Pages : 393 Published : May, 2017 Edit…

Reading or Watching? Which one do you like?

When someone asking me those question, I would like to answer that I love both reading and watching. Even though sometimes the movie from books adapt…

I am done with Murakami

How do you feel after spending more than a day with a book that contain an absurdity but it makes you felt in love so deep? It makes you crazy of loving something that have ever been a boring things.…

Goodreads : is it important to you?

As a reader, I am absolutely usually searching for a book before I read it. Sometimes to know more about it from another reader's review. Before I've known Goodreads apps, I always opened…

Juvenilia : the collection of Jane Austen's thoughts

Have you been reading Juvenilia? A book that written by Jane Austen contains a lots of her thought and opinions also sort of short stories? If …

Conspirata And The Ugly Truth

Here there are another book I have just finished this month. A book that written by Tiro, an assitant of Cicero - a roman politicians and lawyer - whom he always be there for Cicero. No wonder, h…

The Ironic Things in The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden

The ironic things inside Jonas Jonasson's book is how he made his characters died without being hesitate. Just like anomaly case how they are…

Bernard Batubara Sebagai Poros Gravitasi

Gravitasi merupakan salah satu energi terbesar alam semesta. Walau tak tampak secara kasat mata, kekuatan gravitasi berhasil menarik seluruh benda k…

I have never been reading Harry Potter

I know it's been a decade or a century, LOL, Harry Potter published. But, until today I've never been reading Harry Potter yet. For the…

Dear Author, Please Write A Standalone Book Not A Series!

Someone, help me please. Is there any 'fantasy' book that is not a series? During reading Caraval, it reminds me of a bo…