I know it's been a decade or a century, LOL, Harry Potter published. But, until today I've never been reading Harry Potter yet. For the first time, when I was in High School, lot of my friends recommended me these books. But, what I just said, I want to read it when it is no longer in trens.
I know the reason I've made seems such a fool, but as for me, reading something that still on fire it will distract me. I would not have my own opinion instead of got influenced by others. And also, when Harry Potter shown up at movie, I thought quickly to keep the distance with another potterhead.
And time goesby, I grew older now, but still don't have any interesting to read it. Except I read Charlie Bone series and a lot of people talked these serial were alike so much Harry Potter. But, I just don't really care. Still I like these series (Charlie Bone) yet I wont look for another books - the 4th book and etc - because I wont waste my time.
My own book piles really wont less. There are always a reason to buy a book even though my own time to read is lesser. God, I must be curse or something? LOL.
But, after all these time, I figure it out that I just want to read something that makes me want to read it. Not only just it is a trending book or just a best seller book. No. I want to read it because I want.
And then, so sorry for all bookstagram, because I never understand what are you talking about when it touched Harry Potter. But, we are still friends, right?
Yes, indeed.