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Showing posts from April, 2017

Conspirata And The Ugly Truth

Here there are another book I have just finished this month. A book that written by Tiro, an assitant of Cicero - a roman politicians and lawyer - whom he always be there for Cicero. No wonder, h…

The Ironic Things in The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden

The ironic things inside Jonas Jonasson's book is how he made his characters died without being hesitate. Just like anomaly case how they are…

Bernard Batubara Sebagai Poros Gravitasi

Gravitasi merupakan salah satu energi terbesar alam semesta. Walau tak tampak secara kasat mata, kekuatan gravitasi berhasil menarik seluruh benda k…

I have never been reading Harry Potter

I know it's been a decade or a century, LOL, Harry Potter published. But, until today I've never been reading Harry Potter yet. For the…